Thursday, October 17, 2013


As i slept in my cave i awoke to a man stealing my golden goblet,  i swiftly flew out of my cave to get the cup back  Beowulf challenged me to a fight. i flew out of my cave to fight him. as i flew out he attempted to stab me with his sword but failed in doing so. I saw Beowulf's men scrambling, running away from me, except one man..that man was Wiglaf. I flew and passed under a bridge, Beowulf jumped onto my back and tried stabbing me on my head. the sword broke in the attempt, i felt him sliding off of my back and i turned to try to push him off, but i bit his neck instead, he fell off. He fell off my back and Wiglaf rushed to his aid, i waited for the fire to come out of my chest and Wiglaf jumped on his horse and ran up the tower, i shot fire into the windows and i thought i had gotten him for sure. I then turned back to Beowulf to blow fire at him and as the fire was about to come out Wiglaf emerged from the top of the tower. He jumped off his horse and stabbed my chest. He stabbed a hole in my chest i shot fire and it burned Wiglaf's hand through the hole he made. Beowulf made his way to the top of the tower i saw in the corner of my eye. i tried to fly away but he jumped and took out a knife from his belt and stuck it into my chest and stabbed my heart. Everything started turning black and i felt myself getting weaker. i couldn't keep myself in the air anymore. I fell to the ground.  


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