Thursday, October 17, 2013

Beowulf Character

Day 1
Today i journey to slay the dragon that has been destroying villages across my land, it's time i put an end to this. I take a handful of my most trusted men alongside with me to vanquish the beast. Off i go to the dragon's lair.
Day 2
I bid farewell to my men a while ago in order to confront the dragon, but i i know that they'll help once the beast reveals itself. I shout a challenge to the dragon and it bursts out of it's lair. It is even more fearsome than i imagined. My men run in terror from the sight of the beasts, what cowards to cower in the sight of death itself. Wiglaf is the the only one who stays to help, i rush to the dragon with my mighty sword Naegling. I strike at the dragon but my sword easily breaks on the beast's scales.The dragon bites me on the neck, Wiglaf rushes and stabs the monster in the stomach. I stab the beast in the neck and his fire kills him. As we fall the bite on my neck starts to burn, i suspect it to be dragon venom. If it is dragon venom then i don't have much time to live. I tell Wiglaf to bring me a portion of the dragon's treasure so i can die with the pleasure of knowing i liberated a quantity of treasure. Wiglaf brings me a giant load of treasure, he tells me there is more and it makes me happy. I thank Odin for this last pleasure and instruct Wiglaf to take care of my kingdom. I can barely mange to move now. My sight is darkening. Moving is very hard to do but i manage to give Wiglaf my collar, he is king now. Darkness surrounds me, it's my time now. 

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