Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wiglaf used the opportunity to stab the beast in the belly, the only soft part of his body 

Thursday, October 17, 2013


As i slept in my cave i awoke to a man stealing my golden goblet,  i swiftly flew out of my cave to get the cup back  Beowulf challenged me to a fight. i flew out of my cave to fight him. as i flew out he attempted to stab me with his sword but failed in doing so. I saw Beowulf's men scrambling, running away from me, except one man..that man was Wiglaf. I flew and passed under a bridge, Beowulf jumped onto my back and tried stabbing me on my head. the sword broke in the attempt, i felt him sliding off of my back and i turned to try to push him off, but i bit his neck instead, he fell off. He fell off my back and Wiglaf rushed to his aid, i waited for the fire to come out of my chest and Wiglaf jumped on his horse and ran up the tower, i shot fire into the windows and i thought i had gotten him for sure. I then turned back to Beowulf to blow fire at him and as the fire was about to come out Wiglaf emerged from the top of the tower. He jumped off his horse and stabbed my chest. He stabbed a hole in my chest i shot fire and it burned Wiglaf's hand through the hole he made. Beowulf made his way to the top of the tower i saw in the corner of my eye. i tried to fly away but he jumped and took out a knife from his belt and stuck it into my chest and stabbed my heart. Everything started turning black and i felt myself getting weaker. i couldn't keep myself in the air anymore. I fell to the ground.  

The Narrator
Beowulf sends farewell to his men and sets off wearing a mail shirt and a helmet to fight the dragon. He shouts a challenge to his opponent, who emerges from the earth. Man and Dragon grapple and wrestle amid sheets of fire.  Beowulf attacks with his sThe Narrator
Beowulf sends farewell to his men and sets off wearing a mail shirt and a helmet to fight the dragon. He shouts a challenge to his opponent, who emerges from the earth. Man and Dragon grapple and wrestle amid sheets of fire.  Beowulf attacks with his sword against the dragon’s thick scales, but his strength is clearly not what it once was. As the flames got bigger, Beowulf’s companions run in terror. Wiglet looks over to the other warriors, reminding the of the oaths of loyal service to Beowulf. It will be time where their loyalty will be tested, Wiglaf declares, and he goes by himself to assist his lord. Beowulf hits the dragon in the head with his sword, but the sword snaps and breaks. The dragon lands a bite on Beowulf’s neck, and blood begins to come out.Wiglaf rushes to Beowulf, stabbing the dragon in the belly, and the dragon scorches Wiglaf’s hand.Beowulf pulls a knife from his belt and stabs it deep into the dragon.Beowulf’s wound on his neck begins to burn and swell.He realizes that the dragon bite has poison and that he is dying. He sends Wiglaf to inspect the dragon’s treasure and bring him a portion of it, saying that death will be easier if he sees the hoard that he has liberated. Wiglaf looks to the barrow and quickly returns to Beowulf with an armload of treasure.The old king, dying, thanks God for the treasure that he has won for his people. He tells Wiglaf that he must now look after the Geats and order his troop to build him a barrow that people will call “Beowulf’s Barrow.” After giving Wiglaf the collar from his own neck, Beowulf dies.

word against the dragon’s thick scales, but his strength is clearly not what it once was. As the flames got bigger, Beowulf’s companions run in terror. Wiglet looks over to the other warriors, reminding the of the oaths of loyal service to Beowulf. It will be time where their loyalty will be tested, Wiglaf declares, and he goes by himself to assist his lord. Beowulf hits the dragon in the head with his sword, but the sword snaps and breaks. The dragon lands a bite on Beowulf’s neck, and blood begins to come out. Wiglaf rushes to Beowulf, stabbing the dragon in the belly, and the dragon scorches Wiglaf’s hand.Beowulf pulls a knife from his belt and stabs it deep into the dragon.Beowulf’s wound on his neck begins to burn and swell.He realizes that the dragon bite has poison and that he is dying. He sends Wiglaf to inspect the dragon’s treasure and bring him a portion of it, saying that death will be easier if he sees the hoard that he has liberated. Wiglaf looks to the barrow and quickly returns to Beowulf with an armload of treasure.The old king, dying, thanks God for the treasure that he has won for his people. He tells Wiglaf that he must now look after the Geats and order his troop to build him a barrow that people will call “Beowulf’s Barrow.” After giving Wiglaf the collar from his own neck, Beowulf dies.


       Beowulf  marches off to fight the dragon. he says farewell to us. he tried  to challenge the dragon. i rush to Beowulf’s aid, stabbing the dragon in the belly, and the dragon scorches my hand. Beowulf sends me  to inspect the dragon’s treasure and bring him a portion of it, saying that death will be easier if he sees the hoard that he has liberated. I descends into the barrow and quickly returns to Beowulf with an armload of treasurer. Beowulf  is dying  and he tells me to take care of the kingdom. He dies and i take care his funeral pyre.       

Beowulf Character

Day 1
Today i journey to slay the dragon that has been destroying villages across my land, it's time i put an end to this. I take a handful of my most trusted men alongside with me to vanquish the beast. Off i go to the dragon's lair.
Day 2
I bid farewell to my men a while ago in order to confront the dragon, but i i know that they'll help once the beast reveals itself. I shout a challenge to the dragon and it bursts out of it's lair. It is even more fearsome than i imagined. My men run in terror from the sight of the beasts, what cowards to cower in the sight of death itself. Wiglaf is the the only one who stays to help, i rush to the dragon with my mighty sword Naegling. I strike at the dragon but my sword easily breaks on the beast's scales.The dragon bites me on the neck, Wiglaf rushes and stabs the monster in the stomach. I stab the beast in the neck and his fire kills him. As we fall the bite on my neck starts to burn, i suspect it to be dragon venom. If it is dragon venom then i don't have much time to live. I tell Wiglaf to bring me a portion of the dragon's treasure so i can die with the pleasure of knowing i liberated a quantity of treasure. Wiglaf brings me a giant load of treasure, he tells me there is more and it makes me happy. I thank Odin for this last pleasure and instruct Wiglaf to take care of my kingdom. I can barely mange to move now. My sight is darkening. Moving is very hard to do but i manage to give Wiglaf my collar, he is king now. Darkness surrounds me, it's my time now.